
Popshot compilation in mouth
Popshot compilation in mouth

Most guys end up taking ED drugs to allow themselves a certain level of consistency.” So most male performers experience a 'failed' scene early on in their career/ Too many failed scenes will ruin a performer's reputation. “There's the lack of intimacy or chemistry with a partner, the film crew, the pressure to achieve erection on cue, maintaining an erection during still photographs, etc.

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“Most men aren't used to the pressures of on-set set,” continues Zeischegg. So I quit using the drugs, and quit performing in porn.” Zeischegg suffered from an erection that raged for more than 12 hours, which ultimately ended his affair with ED drugs. During my last ER visit, a doctor told me that if I didn't quit taking the drugs, I risked the likelihood of long term damage that would affect my ability to achieve natural erections.

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Over the course of eight years, I ended up in the emergency room three times for priapism. “Throughout my career as an porn performer, I used erectile dysfunction medication as a performance enhancer,” says Zeischegg, “My drug of choice was Cialis, though I dabbled in other medications. Danny Wylde), went through a particularly terrible experience from taking too much of the drug Cialis. One former porn star, Christopher Zeischegg (a.k.a. Documented adverse effects of certain medications include: changes in vision or sudden vision loss, ringing in your ears, or sudden hearing loss, chest pain or heavy feeling, pain spreading to the arm or shoulder, nausea, sweating, general ill feeling, and irregular heartbeat.” Krychman, “But long-term studies are certainly lacking. “Taking Cialis or Viagra at the correct doses are appropriate in some medical conditions,” says Dr.


How safe is it to be popping pills and shooting your penis full of drugs? We asked Michael Krychman, MD, director of the Southern California Center for Sexual Health and Survivorship Medicine, for some clarity. Viagra is strong, but it's not that strong.” He stood up with shards of glass sticking out of him and his dick was still hard. For example, one guy once fell through a glass wall on a shower in the middle of a scene. “With the more hardcore methods (injections, pumps), you can tell because the dick doesn't respond to situations where arousal would naturally dip. “Sometimes with the pills they'll look a little flushed, but sometimes you're just flushed because sex is an aerobic activity,” says Kross. But it's usually obvious when this is the case. Kross says that often, her coworkers will pop a pill before any scene they shoot to achieve an erection and go on their merry way.

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I know others have had surgeries to implant penis pumps.” “That can be anything from Viagra and Cialis to injections that will keep erections going without arousal. “Most of our male talent uses some form of medical aid to stay hard,” says Kayden Kross. While we'd all like to believe that the ability to stay erect for hours at a time, that's not always the case, says porn star Kayden Kross.

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"Everyone thinks it would be so easy to stay hard on set and it’s not easy at all," he says. Veteran porn star Peter North says staying hard is a challenge that most male porn stars will confront at some point in their career. That’s why we went to the Adult Entertainment Expo (AEE) in Las Vegas to talk to some porn stars to find out what really happens to dicks on camera. No man or woman on earth has watched a porn without asking the following question: “is that actually real?” One question that comes up time and time again? How male performers stay hard for what seems like hours at a time.

Popshot compilation in mouth